Sep 18Liked by Robert Lindsay

I was talking with a woman that left her family's Jew religion and was working on purging it. She was in her early 40s at the time. She said it was a religion of hate and her family had no problem of blaming her for her father molesting her.

She was still in therapy, she said and that was because of that religion always blames victims for Jew crimes. The books they taught her with were full of horror against innocents and she couldn't bear it.

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That's absolutely fascinating. Thank you very much!

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Sep 18Liked by Robert Lindsay

She was my therapist at the time. She had a lot to work through herself. She was a lovely, empathetic woman, unlike her family and religion.

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She had had to do a lot of work on her own self? That’s great really. Those are the best therapists of all! I keep ending up with these “I’ve been perfect my whole life” therapists. They don’t work.

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‘Wounded Healers’ are often the best therapists

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Oh nice! It’s so great to have a therapist who has their shit together pretty well, but on the other hand can empathize with you in an “I’ve been there but not anymore” sort of way. There’s also an “If I can climb out of it, you can too,” that is so cool!

Unfortunately they’re supposed to do this “I’m perfect and I’ve been perfect my whole life” thing which I found most unhelpful, dispiriting, and insulting. This is how they are supposed to be. It’s called “modeling.”

If they do an “I’ve been there too” thing, it’s considered bad modeling and “revealing.” The therapist isn’t supposed to “reveal” anything about his own life. It’s a “boundary violation,” and they have about a hundred of those. They claim they’re necessary but I’d like to see them prove it and I bet they can’t.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Robert Lindsay

The most impressive aspect is that she was the most helpful therapist out of a long list of therapists I tried.

Note: This is a tangent do feel free to skip.

One therapist I had to dump had me nearly convinced I needed to divorce my husband. She turned out to be going through such a thing at the time. Another tried to convince me I was molested by father! I told her there was absolutely no indication of that, in fact I had nine siblings and he worked his own business for s gazillion hours a week. Where would he get the time?! Mother was a devoted Catholic and anything like is walking around in a bathing suit was a sin. I have more examples, but turns out it would be a book not a comment. I think most of my problems were caused by these 'professionals '. ; )

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From a fellow Gen-Xer like you in my late 50s, this piece calls the emperor naked and is on-point.

It's now more than apparent that Judaism is at best a huckster's creed - a guidebook with no-holds-barred thumb-rules for tribe-members to get ahead - at all costs - especially costs imposed on non-Jews. It's largely amoral*. Like you I got there first and then discovered comforting corroboration in Gilad Atzmon, and especially Bobby Fischer - utterly with conviction and courage - in his many interviews to Philippine Radio. The 1961 Benjamin Freedman speech, Ford's 1920 newsletters, Osman Bey etc reinforced this assessment.

STILL, decent peoples we are - many of us got here kicking and screaming. As you write correctly "The only reason they say this is that the liberal-Left is terrified of being called racist. Once again, the Left’s petty terrors freeze it in place and render it incapable of thought on this or that subject, locked into a mental inertia as unmoving as an iceberg. ....I believed this utter nonsense for many years, as it's a very comforting thought." -- very true and is the very embodiment and definition of Orwell's Crimestop^.

I think what kept us back - even privately - reaching this contrarian position - is the contributions of the likes of Chomsky, Zinn etc- on dissident historical aspects but they didn't get into Judaism or untouchable topics - though Chomsky famously wrote the foreword to the French denier for free speech reasons. In the beginning of the Gaza holocaust, we were heartened by the vocal positions of Miko Peled, the Gabor Mate, Gideon Levy, Ilan Pape, and a handful - but none of them lay the blame - the root cause - on the cultish creedal "values". It's left to us here and Fischer/Atzmon to call that out.

That 98.4%*** of Israeli Jews feel that the violence of their elected government in Gaza was just right or lesser than appropriate (hear that ) and your observations on Diaspora Jews (85% of US Jews) explicitly or tacitly supporting Israel should convince us that contorting our mental position to accommodate that hair splitting between Jews and Zionists is unwarranted. We can still be decent people - engaging in generalisation - while making exceptions for individuals expressing moral and reasoned outrage at what's happening. Ron Unz is there.

Again, well articulated.

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“A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point.”

― Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance

“The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, will motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and achieve consonance. When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance.”

― Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance

* https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/using-unmoral-immoral-nonmoral-amoral

^ https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/725596-crimestop-means-the-faculty-of-stopping-short-as-though-by

*** Tel Aviv Peace Index December Survey Q11 https://en-social-sciences.tau.ac.il/peaceindex

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They are here to make sure that the American Politicians run the Zionist Rails !

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