By the Axiom, God is Unique,

Fucking Zionists are not unique (Ref; Epstein and Weinstein, Unfortunately the evidence was erased by ….you know who !), Zionists are never God, just normal Wankers !

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They are acting like they are and everyone is treating them like they are.

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It’s important to recognize just how much of Israel's "domestic" technology actually has American origins. Key defense systems like the Iron Dome and David's Sling owe much of their foundational technology to American companies like Raytheon and Boeing. In fact, the satellite technology that aids in missile interception is entirely American. Both the Iron Dome and David’s Sling are relatively simple, low-capacity systems intended to intercept basic, slow-moving rockets. By contrast, the technology the U.S. has supplied to Kyiv is far more advanced. Nevertheless, Israel’s portrayal of the Iron Dome as a homegrown innovation is part of a broader narrative, or *hasbara*, designed to bolster its image as a self-sufficient democracy. This narrative often obscures the significant support Israel receives from the U.S., Britain, and Germany, which is essential to its survival. This propaganda isn’t just vomitted outward - it serves a domestic purpose as well and leads every day Israelis to believe their country is indeed a “first world power.”

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There's no way on Earth that they could have developed all of that technology on the own, but they act like they did. It isn't even the IDF. When you fight Israel you are fighting the US. We give them all our best stuff and as much as they want, coordinate all weapons develop with them, and we also seem to give them all our technology. So you are fighting Israelis with US weapons and the full range of US tech. It's as if the brains and power of the US military were supplanted to the Israeli Army. Just like when Russia fights Ukraine, it is so obvious that they have always been fighting NATO, not Ukraine. NATO using Ukraine as a forward face.

"By contrast, the technology the U.S. has supplied to Kyiv is far more advanced."

And they still don't shoot down much.

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Exposing Israel's deep reliance on the U.S. is vital for several reasons. First, it highlights the near-total subservience of the American political class to AIPAC, revealing the extent of its influence. Second, it helps dismantle the Israeli myth-making that portrays the nation’s creation and sustainment as purely homegrown and organic, rather than dependent on significant foreign support. Finally, it paints the U.S. as a willing partner in war crimes, global mischief, and widespread instability, further entwining the two nations in a shared legacy of evil and destruction.

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This is so awesome! I love your comments. Smart, knowledgeable, measured, sane, polite, formal, diplomatically spoken, concise. You don't waste words and I'm not seeing a lot of emotion-laden hyperbole, not that I mind that, but it probably does detract, let's face it.

Yes and really Israel could not do ANY of this shit without the US. And at the moment it appears that the main reason the US is so unstinting in support of Israel is simply because of US Jews and their money influence, as they've basically bought the state.

So not only could Israel not do something without the US, the US might not even be supporting Israel like this without the pressure of US Jews. So the leg of the table that Israel is standing on is really the 2.5% of the US population who is Jewish. That's a lot more shaky than saying it has the might of the whole US behind it.

There is also a role for ideology. Biden is obviously a hardline Israel supporter due to deep convictions. There may well be other Gentiles in the state apparatus who are the same.

The Republican Party support for Israel seems to be mostly ideologically based. Sure the Jews give them lots of money but they didn't have to. It's not like there are all these Republicans ready to go against Israel but won't for fear of being primaried. In fact, you cannot win a Republican Party primary without supporting Israel. It looks like the support came first due to ideology and then the money, but as far as specific policies go, money may indeed be involved.

Note that Trump supported and supports certain policies due to Miriam and Sheldon Adelson's money. Robert F. Kennedy quickly hopped into be with the entire AIPAC crowd. There is a photo of him with Miriam Adelson and Rabbi Shmuley, a real piece of shit. I'm not sure what his ideology was beforehand. Federman didn't say much about Israel until he got flooded with campaign cash and now he's a fanatical Zionist who speaks with deep conviction.

AIPAC also has a Democratic branch that is very powerful and more or less owns the Democrats in Congress.

The largest donor to the Democratic Party is Haim Saban, an Egyptian Jew and billionaire. He's a hardline Zionist. Nine of the top 25 contributors to the Democratic Party are Jewish billionaires. Harris' campaign chair is a Jew, I believe he is a Jewish billionaire. In addition, Harris and Starmer have both all but converted and both spouses are hardline Zionist Jews. Harris celebrates Jewish holidays and has a Jewish nickname. Starmer goes to a shul, celebrates holidays and even keeps the Sabbath! So these two may also have personal reason for their support.

I'm still not quite certain why Harris is blowing off the 80% of her party that is demanding she cut off weapons to Israel but she's been a fanatical Zionist for a long time now, much more Zionist than Obama. Obama was the "J Street" wing of US Jewry. J Street is for liberal Jews. The Jewish and Israeli Right despise it and say it's anti-Israel but they are more the "loyal opposition" to the Jewish Lobby. They don't have a lot of money. Their policies are not great but they are ok considering the alternatives.

People say Kamala was always much more AIPAC than J Street. That's terrible. So it looks like she's a hardline ideological Zionist just like Biden.

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I hope Hezbola can recover from so many losses of its leaders.

Israel won't stop until it rules the entire Middle East.

Or so it seems.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoAuthor

The people I'm watching on TV right now say they will be all right. If anything they will get a flood of new recruits and supporters.

"Israel won't stop until it rules the entire Middle East. Or so it seems."

It does appear that way, does it not? Rule in one way or another. Conquer and settle some of it and pacify the rest with compliant Arab allies.

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