
You know the Jews are going to beat the living shit out of me for writing this. Of course they'll say it's antisemitic. But read the article. What ON EARTH is antisemitic about this article for God's sake.

The Jew and their lousy allies call me antisemite. Fine. Knock yourselves out. Yell it til the cows come home, crybullies.

But the REAL ANTISEMITES, like the people in the comments section at Unz all hate me and call me Jew, sabbos goy, Jew-lover, pro-Jewish, etc. The comments are full of people imploring Unz to not run this shitty Jew-lover, Jew, whatever on the site!

I figure if the Jews and their Sancho Panzas are calling me antisemite and the real antisemites are calling me Jew, Jew lover, etc., I figure I'm probably doing all right. That's about where a good, fair-minded cultural critic should be! I'd like to be that about most groups, frankly!

I don't really want to be complimented by those antisemitic fucks over at Unz. I don't mind a bit of antisemitism. To me low level antisemitism is just normal, even among a lot of Jews! But once you get the point of what I call obsessive and conspiratorial (Nazi) antisemitism, you're not only engaging in dangerous speech but you've also gone insane. That level of antisemitism almost looks like a mental disorder to me.

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The issue of media control is multifaceted. One has to consider direct ownership as you have done (very good job by the way), and indirect control. Jewish control may be a valid concern, but fear of offending Jewish Zionist influence is probably a more relevant issue. I am of course referring to the concern big MSM media has about offending advertisers - the life blood of the MSM. Even those who would be highly critical of Israeli government policy for legitimate moral reasons might shy away for fear of losing advertisers. I think this issue is more important that who owns what.

As for Jews controlling Hollywood - Good! Most born again Christian films suck lol. I'm not a big fan of Bollywood either for what it's worth.

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Thank you!

I think you are correct. Even the Gentiles no doubt engage in a lot of self-censorship for their reputation and of course out of fear of scaring off advertisers. Look what happened to Musk over the fake antisemitism charge the Jews laid on him. He had to go to Auschwitz and practically kiss the feet of the Jews to get back in their good graces. Totally disgusting.

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Aug 18Liked by Robert Lindsay

Let's not forget Kayne - failing to slobber on the uncircumcised knob. His antisemitic assholeishness cost him a cool billion. Fuck him though - he talks shit about white people lol

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Aug 18Liked by Robert Lindsay

I can't wait for Ta Neisha Coates and Kendi X Mohammed to do the same - good riddance in my opinion.

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Aug 18Liked by Robert Lindsay

Those assholes talk shit constantly about white people and get Macarthur genius grants to do more of the same. They have been quiet on the Gaza situation and other matters - I wonder why lol

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Aug 18Liked by Robert Lindsay

As I mentioned before, media control can be direct or indirect.

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