Aug 25Liked by Robert Lindsay

Ayn Rand worth reading?

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Not at all. It’s mental poison and it isn’t even good prose. I’m generally opposed to book burning, but I’ll make an exception in her case

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Aug 25Liked by Robert Lindsay

Good answer lol. I've never read her stuff. But I think it's a good example of extreme right being wrong - People are not perfect. Individuals left to their own devices leads to extreme greed and indifference to human suffering. The communist experiments have thus far failed as well - failure to be responsible to the group well-being.

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I like what the Chinese, Vietnamese, Lao, and even the Cubans are doing.

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I would like to learn more about that - perhaps I see another Robert article ?

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Maybe...it might be a short one though.

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Aug 26Liked by Robert Lindsay

That would do fine - I have a short attention span anyway 👍

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Aug 25Liked by Robert Lindsay

I guess for now, we need regulation - sadly I think this is true.

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

Also, you can listen to the book for free on YouTube or at least you could the last time I checked.

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Sorry Readicat, but which book are you referring too ? I must have missed something - I sometimes do that.

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Aug 23Liked by Robert Lindsay

So sorry, my reply did not post. You can listen to Citizen of the Galaxy on YouTube. Someone made an audio recording of the book.

I'm a big fan of audio books for children. I put my kids to bed with classic children's books on audio. This would be a great book for a 9-10 year to listen to or really anyone who enjoys audio books. I prefer the written word myself but thought I'd mention the audio book in case anyone is interested.

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Aug 23Liked by Robert Lindsay


Here's the link

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thank you

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which book?

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

I don't like the later novels of Robert Heinlein . I find them weird. I do not grok them :)

However, I really love his so called juveniles mostly written in the 1950's and ,of course, every right thinkng freedom loving individual feels the appeal of Starship Troopers. BTW, the 90's movie is terrible. If you don't have the exoskeleton right , then you lose the thread of the story .

Pardon me, I digress, I absolutely love a book of Heinlein's called " Citizen of the Galaxy ". It's all about slavery. There's chattel slavery, slavery to a family system, slavery to the military, and slavery to a corporation. It is just a great book. The hero is challenged and tested but maintains his moral compass. There is a Margaret Mead character that I immediately recognized. Does anyone still know who she was?

Robert, please read this book and report back. I'm curious to know if you'll like it as much as me.

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I heard those juveniles are really good! I get tired of his libertarian crap though!

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Aug 23Liked by Robert Lindsay

Well, yes Starship Troopers has an Libertarian flavor and , I believe, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is Heinlein's most political book. Citizen of the Galaxy is not Liberal or Conservative or Libertarian. It's just a good story.

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

Denise Richards was hot in that one too.

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Denise Richards?

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

She was in the movie. Charlie Sheens ex

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

I definitely need to read "Starship Troopers". I've seen the movie of course. Doogie Houser was awesome lol.

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

Quick question Robert. So, you are reading all of this stuff at the same time? Please explain. It's been a long time since I was reading more than two books at the same time - my college days. How do you go about it if you don't mind me asking?

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Yep I read all those books at once. Well, I read like half of one, put it down, and then read half of another. And I start a bunch of others, like read 2-10 pages into it and put it down 😂.

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It’s harder with the novels but with the short stories and nonfiction, you can totally read half and then put it down and go back to it later.

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

You mentioned Vonnegut in an earlier article. I am a big fan of his. I must have read 10 or so books by him. None recently though. I especially liked "Mother Night", "Slaughterhouse Five" and "Player Piano".

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I read all of those and yes I have also read maybe 10 Vonneguts. Actually I am working on Welcome to the Monkeyhouse.

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

That is a collection of short stories, right? "Welcome to the Monkey House" is one of the stories. It's been a while - I've got that one on the shelf.

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It’s a reread for me. Mostly short stories, I think an essay or two.

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

I've read Kafka's "Metamorphosis" long ago. I need to read "The Trial" mainly because I have experienced "Kafka Trial" firsthand. It was also a long time ago that I read Conrads "Heart of Darkness". I don't think I ever read "Lord Jim" Though I did see the movie with Peter O'Tool I believe. It is a very good and impressive reading list sir. I told you that you were a man of letters!

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I read Metamorphosis too.

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I guess I am! Thank you comrade!

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Aug 22Liked by Robert Lindsay

You are welcome, sir. 👍

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I’ve read Heart of Darkness too. And The Secret Sharer. And I’ve dipped into a couple of others.

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